Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Mods de Juego > BattleRoyaleMaps


por HenkDeSuperNerd - 312 descargas

Battle Royale maps for Age of Empires 2 Userpatch 1.5In each of these random maps a storm will appear after 30minutes. Slowly it starts to advance to the middle, damaging everything on it's way.On the AOC variants there are 6 waves of storm advancement. they all start at 30minutes and every 10 minute it advances further to the middle.On the WK variants there are 14 waves of storm. The storm advances one terrain-step every 5 minutes. Concentric rings of terrain indicate the reach of each storm level.For more information about each map read below:AOC/vanilla variants: These are the original Battle Royale maps I made.They do not require any mod to play. Each of these maps could be played on regicide or King of the Hill, or any other game mode you like. To play regicide+King of the Hill or Regicide select LOW RESOURCES to enable regicide and pick the game mode 'King of the Hill' in the game lobby.- BR_FlowerThis Battle Royale map is compatible with AOC/vanilla, and thus does not require any Mod.The storm starts at 30minutes, and advances one level every 10minutes afterwards (30min, 40min, 50min, 1h, 1:10h, 1:20h)The middle island is rich with gold and berry bushes.NOTE: since this is an earlier version interaction with the animals at the map's edges can negatively influence the storm's mechanics.
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Click[You must login to view link] for more screenshots- BR_LandNomadThis Battle Royale map is compatible with AOC/vanilla, and thus does not require any Mod.The storm starts at 30minutes, and advances one level every 10minutes afterwards (30min, 40min, 50min, 1h, 1:10h, 1:20h)Players start without any villagers in the barren center and must spread out to find a suitable spot to build their town.NOTE: since this is an earlier version interaction with the animals at the map's edges can negatively influence the storm's mechanics.
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Click[You must login to view link] for more screenshots- BR_NomadThis Battle Royale map is compatible with AOC/vanilla, and thus does not require any Mod.The storm starts at 30minutes, and advances one level every 10minutes afterwards (30min, 40min, 50min, 1h, 1:10h, 1:20h)The map is very similar to regular nomad, but one can only find sheep (no boar or deer). Fish is abundant, but fishing ships will be destroyed by the storm once the storm reaches further land inwards.NOTE: since this is an earlier version interaction with the animals at the map's edges can negatively influence the storm's mechanics.
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Click[You must login to view link] for more screenshots- BR_ArenaThis Battle Royale map is compatible with AOC/vanilla, and thus does not require any Mod.The storm starts at 30minutes, and advances one level every 10minutes afterwards (30min, 40min, 50min, 1h, 1:10h, 1:20h)Players start with no Town Center but within a walled area. In the middle additional golds and berries can be found which provide essential resources for the late game.NOTE: since this is an earlier version interaction with the animals at the map's edges can negatively influence the storm's mechanics.
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Click[You must login to view link] for more screenshotsWK variantsBy making use of the additional units from the DLC I was able to improve the mechanics of the storm by quite a bit.These maps that Require WololoKingdoms (WK), now have more frequent advancements of the storm's front. By making use of the many animals there are I was able to achieve 14 waves, and still be left with some animals as food sources. Deer and Boars can be found, as well as Llamas (I had to swap sheep for Llama’s because Llamas as exploding animal would cause trouble for the Incas who start with a Llama.)Also, I started experimenting with map designs that have concentric rings to help visualize the advancement levels of the storm. Each ring would indicate one wave.The width of each ring can be variable, fitting the map design (for example on migration the outer rings are much wider)Also, other improvements were implemented such as:- map revealers in the middle areas, to show which players start to fortify the middle.- clever placement of resources: often food resources will be abundant on the outer rings which motivates players to build town centers here, while he center would provide additional wood and gold for late game.- The width of the zone at the edge with all animal corpses has been reduced to a minimum, to provide a larger 'playing field'. It is also separated from the 'play field' by impassable rocks.SPECIAL NOTE FOR FOREST NOTHINGThis map is very different from the other maps, and requires some special settings:THIS MAP DOES NOT WORK WHEN SELECTING REGICIDE. Instead, the map comes with a build-in regicide-game mode, where the king is replaced by an Axe-yielding unit. If this unit dies, you will be defeated. Also, do not pick King of The Hill for this game mode.Since it is very difficult to escape the storm in a map filled with trees the time between each storm advancement has been doubled. Also, the amount of wood on trees is halved (50wood instead of 100wood)The storm on the Forest Nothing Map will advance every 10minutes starting at 30minutes.- BR_MigrationA straight-forward map design.Players start on a tiny island which is rich in resources. They have the option to migrate to the larger island in the middle straight away, although the abundance of wolves might deter players from moving there before researching loom.The middle area is revealed to all players and contains gold piles that provide resources for the very late game.The outer rings are large, resulting in the storm to reach the mainland at 50minutes game time.
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Click[You must login to view link] for more screenshots- BR_LN_WKThe improved version of Land Nomad. Concentric rings show the reach of each storm advancement. Instead of starting at the middle, players now start spread around the map.The middle area is surrounded by an impassable wall of dead hunting wolf bodies, that will disappear after 40 minutes. One can find gold-ores (rocks) and Baobab trees that have both been adjusted to contain 999! gold or wood, to provide the players with resources for the very late game.
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Click[You must login to view link] for more screenshots- BR_FN (SPECIAL MAP)recommended settings: STANDARD game mode. FAST speed.This special map has a unique start where each player must use a special airplane (a modified sharkatzor) to drop his villager and axe-yielding king to a safe location in the forest. YOU HAVE 3 MINUTES TO FIND A GOOD SPOT FOR A TOWN CENTER. after 3 minutes game time the airplane explodes and drops the units inside. To unload the units prior to this, click on the individual units in the aircraft to drop them.Don't bother building a TC or lumber camp in the middle or one of the smaller spots near the middle. you won't be able to fit those buildings there!Due to the slow start and limited space to build the players must chop towards the middle to escape the devastating storm quickly. Since the regular 5minutes per wave from 30minutes onwards is a bit tough for such a map, the intervals between each wave advancement are increased to 10minutes (30min, 40min, 50min, 1h, 1:10h, 1:20h, 1:30h, 1:40h, 1:50h, 2h, 2:10h, 2:20h, 2:30h, and 2:40h)
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